TPCP: Type Cf

The Cf puzzles are very simple to describe: they are just the very well-known 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 cube. There are, of course, much more efficient methods than those described here.

Puzzle Cf1:
Gelatinbrain Number: 3.1.2
Common Name: 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube
Types of Pieces: 6 fixed centers, 12 edges, 8 corners.
Solution: Solve all edges using U-layer turns and the 3-cycle U2 R' L F2 R L'. Then solve the permutation of corners with commutators of the type (L) (U' R U) (L)' (U' R U)'. Finally orient all corners with commutators of the type (R U2 R' F' U2 F) (D) (R U2 R' F' U2 F)' (D)'.

Puzzle Cf2:
Gelatinbrain Number: 3.1.1
Common Name: 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube
Types of Pieces: 8 corners.
Solution: Solve the D face intuitively. Then solve the U face using R U R' U R U2 R' U2 to twist three U-layer corners clockwise. Finally solve the puzzle using R U2 R' U' R U2 R' F R' F' R, a corner transposition.

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