TPCP: Type Cv

The Cv puzzles were some of the first simple twisty puzzles to be developed. One in particular, the Skewb, is probably the puzzle with the most distinct shape modifications. These puzzles are related to the Tv and Of puzzles.

Puzzle Cv1:
Gelatinbrain Number: n/a
Common Name: n/a
Types of Pieces: 6 fixed centers, 8 trivial tips.
Solution: Turn the trivial tips to solve them.

Puzzle Cv2:
Gelatinbrain Number: n/a
Common Name: n/a
Types of Pieces: 6 fixed centers, 8 trivial corners, 12 edges.
Solution: First position all trivial corners. Then the edges can all be solved intuitively by 4-move 3-cycle commutators of adjacent corners.

Puzzle Cv3:
Gelatinbrain Number: 3.2.4
Common Name: Dino Cube
Types of Pieces: 12 edges.
Solution: Use basic block building to solve all edges.

Puzzle Cv4:
Gelatinbrain Number: 3.2.2
Common Name: Master Skewb
Types of Pieces: 6 inner centers, 24 outer centers in 2 orbits, 12 edges, 8 corners.
Solution: Solve inner centers and corners like Cv5. Then use commutators of the type (2DLF) (URF URB' URF') (2DLF)' (URF URB' URF')' to solve the edges. Finally use commutators of the type (2DLF) (ULF DRF' ULF' DRF) (2DLF)' (ULF DRF' ULF' DRF)' to solve the outer centers.

Puzzle Cv5:
Gelatinbrain Number: 3.2.1
Common Name: Skewb
Types of Pieces: 6 centers, 8 corners.
Solution: Pair up the top center with its 4 corners intuitively. Then solve all centers using DLF' DRF DLF DRF'. Finally use (DLF' DRF DLF DRF')2 to orient all remaining corners.

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